Monopoly Generics

Posted in News
In June we highlighted the cost of monopoly generics for a defined list of products. Since then, other products have joined the ranks of generic products with a single product license holder.
Fludrocortisone 100 microgram tablets had an acquisition cost of £0.06 per defined daily dose (DDD) in February 2016 but is now £1.18 – nearly a 20-fold increase. The total spend on this item was less than £10,000 per month in February but has increased to £150,000 per month, despite a marked reduction in use in many Trusts.
Fludrocortisone 100 microgram tablets has been added to the ‘monopoly generics’ Tag in Define and Refine so that Trusts can continue to monitor their spending in this area.
There is considerable political interest in this. Please let us know if there are any other drugs that are not on our current list so we can add them to the report and feed this back to the Department of Health.