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RX-Info News & Views

News & Views

18 June 2024

NHSE approves NICE access to Rx-info medicines data

Posted in Announcement, News

Rx-info is delighted to announce that NICE have access to hospital medicines data to assist with their scoping work.

An agreement between NHS England and NICE has provided access to Rx-info Define secondary care medicines data which will assist in analysing the usage and uptake of new medicine technologies.

Colin Richman, Company Director at Rx-info said “We have been in discussion with the Define national license holder NHSE to provide NICE access to this vital data set.  This access will augment the excellent scoping work that NICE does and allow for a greater understanding of the context of how medicines are used in hospitals”.

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28 May 2024

Rx-info passes ISO 9001:2015 audit

Posted in Announcement, News

We are exceptionally pleased to announce that we have passed our audit for the internationally recognised ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard and been re-certified for another 3 years,…

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22 May 2024

Collaboration with North Bristol wins a BSR Best Practice Award

Posted in Announcement, News

A collaboration between Rx-info and Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust has won a 2024 British Society of Rheumatology Best Practice Award.

The award, which highlights outstanding services…

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14 May 2024

NHS England supported reports for monitoring fluoroquinolone use

Posted in News

NHS England supported reports for monitoring fluoroquinolone use.

In late January 2024, the MHRA took additional regulatory action to update the indications for all systemic fluoroquinolones…

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