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RX-Info Category: News

Category: News

23 August 2023

2023/24 Financial Savings Opportunities

Posted in Announcement, News

Rx Info has been supporting NHSE to identify potential savings through secondary Care.  This follows on from the National Medicines Optimisation Opportunities 2023/241

Rx Info is identified as a resource to support implementation when monitoring antibiotic treatment

Additionally the Exend+ software is being used to audit Better Value Procurement (BVP) to understand the reasons for Trusts buying off contract or through an alternate contract.

The savings to the NHS in the first month of launch have been significant.


16 May 2023

ISO 9001:2015 Annual Surveillance

Posted in News

We are exceptionally pleased to announce that we have passed our annual surveillance audit for the internationally recognised ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard.

We have, therefore, demonstrated our commitment to providing excellent customer service, continually improving processes and consistently providing a highquality service.

Fulfilling the requirements of the quality standard throughout our business procedures emphasises the dedication the Rxinfo team have in providing accurate and efficient software to assist the NHS.


17 November 2022

Central ePACT data

Posted in Announcement, News, Publications

RxInfo Ltd and the NHSBSA (Business Service Authority) have been working together for many years to establish a centralised data capture for the secondary care ePACT data.

Together, we are pleased to announce that the centralised capture and load to the Rxinfo systems will take this evening!

Please note that the system will be down from 17:00 18/01/2023 until 08:00 19/1/2023 to allow for the update and data to be processed. Reporting will not be available during this time.

Refine and Exend stock reports are likely to be a day in arrears until 20/1/23 when the processing will have caught up again.


26 July 2022

Rx-info on ITV news

Posted in News, Publications

Following on from the Richard Hey report on the activities of Rxinfo in supporting the NHS, ITV Westcountry News picked up on the report and came to interview us. The full news report is here. Copyright: ITV News.


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